Who We Are
UN Representatives
United Nations 2023-2025
United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
New York, USA

WFMH President

WFMH Secretary General/CEO

WFMH President – Elect

WFMH Ambassador

WFMH Regional VP North America/Caribbean

WFMH Representative
United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI)
New York, USA

WFMH President

WFMH Secretary General/CEO

WFMH President – Elect

WFMH Regional VP North America/Caribbean

WFMH Representative
United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG)
Geneva, Switzerland

WFMH President

WFMH Secretary General/CEO

WFMH President – Elect

WFMH Regional VP Europe

WFMH VP Constituency Development

WFMH VP Programme Development

WFMH Representative
United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV)
Vienna, Austria

WFMH President

WFMH Secretary General/CEO

WFMH President – Elect

WFMH Regional VP Europe

WFMH VP Constituency Development

WFMH VP Programme Development
World Health Organization
World Health Organisation (WHO)
Geneva, Switzerland

WFMH President

WFMH Secretary General/CEO

WFMH President – Elect

WFMH Regional VP Europe

WFMH VP Constituency Development

WFMH VP Prgoramme Development

WFMH Representative

WFMH Representative
WHO Regional Office

WFMH Regional VP Africa

WFMH Director at Large

WFMH VP Programme Development
WHO Regional Office

WFMH Regional VP North America/Caribbean

WFMH Regional VP Latin America

WFMH Director at Large

WFMH Representative

WFMH Representative
WHO Regional Office
Eastern Mediterranean

WFMH Regional VP Eastern Mediterranean

WFMH Immediate Past President

WFMH Corporate Secretary

WFMH Director at Large

WFMH Director at Large

WFMH Past Board Member
WHO Regional Office

WFMH Regional VP Europe

WFMH President Elect

WFMH Director at Large

WFMH VP Constituency Development
WHO Regional Office
South-East Asia

WFMH Regional VP Asia Pacific

WFMH Representative

WFMH Representative

WFMH Representative

WFMH Representative
WHO Regional Office
Western Pacific

WFMH Regional VP Oceania

WFMH Director at Large

WFMH Director at Large